Sunday, 13 May 2012


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I have chosen to focus my autobiographical essay on work, relating it to my past experiences and the experiences to be encountered in the years ahead. I thought this topic was rather appropriate with me being at college, hoping to obtain a degree, which will gain me a place in the world of work. When we try to define work, it proves to be quite difficult. Keith Grint claims that ‘no unambiguous or objective definition of work is possible’. To confine it to paid employment restricts it far too narrowly. A good definition would be that work is a means off passing the time, it offers something to do and structures ones life. Work can be almost any activity, ranging from working in an office, doing housework or it can even be a form of leisure. The content of work may be varied, interesting, repetitive or boring. It occupies a substantial proportion of most people’s lives than any other single type of activity.

Now let me tell you of my experience with work. For the past year I have had a part-time job in a busy service station. More than anything, this job has given me the opportunity to meet new people and relate myself to society. The experience is very beneficial. It has been a way for me to become more independent, responsible and has given me good work habits. It has made me realize my self-potential and I have become a more confident person. Our company’s objective is to have a positive attitude towards work, work hard and to the best of our ability. My boss is continually stressing that if you are kept going, the day will pass quicker. This I certainly agree with.

Fredrick Taylor, an American management consultant, argued that if workers are left to do their own thing, they will do as little as possible, and any work that they do, will be done in the least efficient way. Taylor’s solution was for management, dividing work into simple tasks that could be timed and organized. It was a system to maximize industrial output and improve efficiency. He assumed that people were motivated by economic reward. I agree with him to a certain extent, but to me job satisfaction is more important than the money I’m making. Scientific management recognized that the worker in industrial societies fitted into a system of work, which they had little control, therefore was not very satisfying or rewarding.

Work is very much affected by capitalism. Capitalism means that much of the productive system is privately owned. Most people become employees. This is in contrast to non-industrial societies, where three- quarters or more of the population are either employers, self employed, or family workers. Carl Marx stressed that capitalism turned the world against the workers, leaving them with little or no personal fulfillment or self- development. Their jobs became uninteresting and unfulfilling. It was a symptom of job dissatisfaction. Thus Marx argued that the nature of work in capitalist societies, the division of labour and imprisonment of workers to narrowly defined aspects of production, left the workers feeling alienated and exploited. Durkheim however differed in opinion. He believed that the division of labour could increase the mutual dependence of people in society and therefore strengthening social solidarity. Although he welcomed individual freedom, he saw it was a threat to social unity. It tends to make workers loose their sense of duty and responsibility towards others, factors that Durkheim saw as essential for social solidarity.

I believe that in a company the workers are the most important assets. They should be respected and their opinion’s valued. The energies of the employee should be focused on as being the main goal of contributing to company’s achievement and success. From my experience I have realized how vital it is to be happy in your job. It is important that we get along with the other members of staff, and treat everyone equally. I also believe that the workers present to the customer not only themselves but also the ethos of the business. As I am quite a confident person, I feel that I have the ability to communicate and present myself well at work. We live in a highly competitive and ever changing world and must therefore constantly adapt, in order to survive. In the workplace we must always be open to new ideas and be prepared to be flexible in the face of changing needs.

Once I finish my degree, in three years time, I hope to be successful, have a rewarding job, enabling me to have a high standard of living. This I think is the wish for almost everyone. In society today, because of the advancement of technology, people have improved lifestyles. However, because people are better educated, than in the past, competition for jobs has caused major stresses and strains on many people lives. People are continually being faced with unemployment.

Over the past fifteen years or so, unemployment rates have shot up in many countries. In Britain, unemployment stands at over three million, about 1 per cent of the labour force. We can take Rover long-bridge plant, in England as a prime example. If the plant is to close it will mean that over 00 people will be left unemployed. These people will find great difficulty trying to get another job, as they have not got the skills for the new types of jobs, such as computer and managerial jobs. This will have a major affect on every aspect of their lives.

Many studies of work have paid particularly attention to the technological advancements and impact of computers on patterns of work. Blauner describes technology as simply ’the most important single factor’. It is an independent development and has been a means of creating a better society. It has made more things possible, increasing output, leaving countries more economically well off. Technology facilitated greater levels of income for less effort. However, it has been noticed that new technology has been a threat to the workforce in numerous occupations. The major decline has been found in industrial occupations. Even professional jobs and jobs in banking and insurance are being badly hit by the new information Technology. The routine aspects of these jobs are now being automated. Therefore, although technology is an economic advantage, it has also proved to give rise to unemployment.

It may be the case that technological changes could have a major affect on my career. I could face redundancy or rejection because other people are better qualified. This is a fear that I have always had, as I find it very difficult to except not getting what I want out of life. In society today, jobs are very insecure, there is little or no worker protection, and contracts are short. This is mainly because companies are attracted to new people with fresh ideas.

Within society, major divisions are occurring. One of the major divides, related to the type of jobs people have, is class. Classes depend on economic differences between groupings of people. Some social groups are excluded from access to the most highly valued goods. People speak of a ‘hierarchy’ of social class. They often assume that money is a sign of people’s character.

The upper class in British society consists of a relatively small number of individuals and families who own considerable amounts of property and have enormous amounts of wealth. These people live lives of leisure; go on foreign holidays about four times a year and drive around in big fancy cars. They are usually employers or top executives, holding very powerful and respectable positions in society. The middle class people are those in highly rewarding jobs, the white-collar workers and professionals. People who are self-employed owners of small businesses, proprietors of small shops and small farmers are also considered to be in this grouping. The lower class of society are those in semi- skilled, manual jobs. They are not very economically well off and are often referred to as ‘the working class’. There is also a stigma attached to which profession you are in. Those in jobs at the top of the ‘ladder’ are often looked at with more respect, compared to those in low paid jobs. This is one type of job inequality that exists in our society.

Andre Gorz can see a future where everyone can spend a much smaller proportion of their lifetime in paid work and therefore can have more time for leisure and enjoyment. More and more people are going into part time jobs. They finding it rewarding precisely in the fact that they are able to balance paid work with other activities and enjoy a more varied lifestyle. At present this is what I am being able to do. However, in years to come I will have more responsibilities, bills to pay, a house to run and hopefully a family to take care off. So unless I marry a millionaire I will have to be in full-time employment, to take care of all my needs.

Work has now become one type of discrimination in society. However, it is extremely important that everyone is involved in some type of work. Whether it be paid or un-paid employment, without it there would be no human society. Work helps us understand ourselves and keeps us ‘ticking over’. If we had no work to do we would become extremely boring and depressing people. The world would be such an uninteresting place to live in. Work lets us develop, heightening such skills as communication, flexibility and cooperation. An understanding of the sociology of work can make a vital contribution to certain decisions, which face us all.

Mind that the sample papers like work presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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