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researchers found that smokers reaped less quality-of-life benefits than nonsmokers
smoking makes a difference in general health perception, pain, social function
Smoke from cigars, cigarettes, and pipes harms your body in many ways, but it is especially harmful to the lungs of a person with asthma. Tobacco smoke is a powerful trigger of asthma symptoms
When a person inhales tobacco smoke, irritating substances settle in the moist lining of the airways. These substances can cause an attack in a person who has asthma.
In addition, tobacco smoke damages tiny hair-like structures in the airways called cilia. Normally, cilia sweeps dust and mucus out of the airways. Tobacco smoke damages cilia so they are unable to work, allowing dust and mucus to accumulate in the airways.
Smoke also causes the lungs to make more mucus than normal. As a result, even more mucus can build up in the airways, triggering an attack.
Second-hand smoke is the combination of smoke from a burning cigar or cigarette and smoke exhaled by a smoker.
Inhaling second-hand smoke, also called passive smoke or environmental tobacco smoke, from another person may be even more harmful than actually smoking. Thats because the smoke that burns off the end of a cigar or cigarette contains more harmful substances (tar, carbon monoxide, nicotine, and others) than the smoke inhaled by the smoker.
Second-hand smoke is especially harmful to people who already have asthma. When a person with asthma is exposed to second-hand smoke, he or she is more likely to experience the wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath associated with asthma.
A recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that the number one risk factor for heart disease was smoking. Women who smoked 15 or more cigarettes a day had a five times greater risk of developing heart disease than nonsmokers. And women who smoked one to 14 cigarettes a day had three times the risk of developing heart disease compared to women who did not smoke. Overall, 41% of the heart problems reported in this study were directly linked to cigarette smoking
Each day, nearly 4,800 adolescents aged 11 to 17 smoke their first cigarette, and of these, nearly ,000 will become regular smokers. Each year, about 40,700 people die from causes directly related to smoking.
Despite explicit warnings on cigarette packs and those recent terrorist-style commercials on television attacking the tobacco industry, American women still havent heard the whole truth regarding the health problems smoking can cause.
By now, most of us are aware that smokers are at risk for lung and heart disease as well as lung cancer. But those health consequences of smoking affect more men than women. Thats not to say women smokers are not at risk for lung and heart problems, but women do face problems with their reproductive health that men do not.
Over time, smoking can decrease womens levels of the hormone estrogen, putting them at increased risk for the brittle-bone disease osteoporosis. Smoking also has been linked to infertility, early menopause, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, and cervical cancer.
You would probably be amazed if you really could count how each day you are reclaiming your life. Knowing the days, hours, minutes, and money saved reminds us of how long weve been free of this demon nicotine, and it can also remind us of how long our miraculous body has been recovering and reclaiming our health.
Mind that the sample papers like smoking presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
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