Friday, 4 May 2012


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The effect and consequences of Versailles upon Germany and its population are eloquently

portrayed by historian David Fraser in his biography of Erwin Rommel Knights Cross

The Armistice and the Versailles Treaty provided for the occupation of the western regions

of Germany; enormous (and unpayable reparations); the emasculation of Germany as a military

power; the surrender of a large part of the German High Seas Fleet; acceptance by Germany of

certain self-accusatory clauses admitting guilt for the war; and vast territorial losses -

Alsace and Lorraine to France and the Eastern provinces to a resurrected state of Poland.


The Hohenzollern and Hapsburg empires vanished. The concert of Europe, destroyed by the

outbreak and savagery of the war, was succeeded by economic and political instability and

widespread dissatisfaction over the new frontiers. While the Russian Bolshevik experiment

was attempted in other countries, what lingered on was the bitter resentment of the

defeated. ....

Nor did humiliations stop at that point. An Allied note of February 10 demanded the

surrender of various war criminals. The list (described as not final) included the

German Crown Prince and two of his brothers, Duke Albrecht of Wurttemberg, Crown Prince

Rupprecht of Bavaria, Field Marshals von Hindenburg and von Mackensen, Grand Admiral

Tirpitz, General Ludendorff, former chancellors Bethmann-Hollwegg and Michaelis, and 00

other officers and non-commissioned officers. In this international sludge of resentment and

instability the German Weimar Republic was born.

The reactions and emotions of a patriotic young German officer of Erwins Rommels

generation can be imagined by a foreigner if, for instance, a comparable British military

defeat be supposed - defeat after a long painful struggle, with the losses of Loos, the

Somme, Third Ypres and so forth echoing in every British mind and home.

The maritime counties dominating the Channel and providing the Fleet bases most contiguous

to Europe - Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Dorset, Devon - would have been garrisoned by the

victorious enemy. The British African colonies would have been assigned to German

protection; and to a resurrected Norse Land in alliance with Germany would have been

transferred the northern and western parts of Scotland, beyond the Tay and the Clyde. The

Royal Navy, confined to bases on the North and Irish Seas, would have been magnanimously

allowed a continued existence, but forbidden to build any new ships over 10,000 tons, and

absolutely forbidden the construction of submarines or the development of naval aviation.

On top of all of this, the British monarchy would have been deposed. The demand for

surrender to the Germans of field marshals, admirals, and generals - Haig, Plummer, Allenby,

Jellicoe, and others including many juniors; the imposition of a reformed electoral system;

and certain measures aimed at decisively weakening the influence of London as a financial

center, succeeded by economic disaster and social unrest. (Fraser, 8-84).

1) WW1 marked the beginning of the end of a domination that Europe had exercised for

centuries over the rest of the world. By weakening Europe it set the stage for

decolonization,one of the twentieth century’s most significant political movements.

() WW1 brought down four of the great powers of the world and the ancient dynasties that

ruled them for centuries

The transition from war to peace was, for many, tumultuous.

The Germans were not consulted about the terms of the peace treaty but just called to sign the final document. It was called by them a Diktat - a dictated peace. The reaction of Germany was a cry for vengeance. Field Marshall Hindenburg said the following

In the event of a resumption of hostilities we can . . . defend our frontiers in the east. In the west, however, we can scarcely count on being able to withstand a serious offensive . . . The success of the operation as a whole is very doubtful, but as a soldier I cannot help feeling that it is better to die honorably than accept a disgraceful peace.


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