Friday, 13 April 2012

The World Distribution of HIV/AIDS

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The World Distribution of HIV/AIDS 4

The World Distribution of HIV/AIDS

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, more commonly known as AIDS, is a fatal transmissible disorder of the immune system that is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Essex (17) states that the HIV virus gradually destroys the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to a variety of life-threatening illnesses. The HIV virus is mainly spread through sexual intercourse, needle sharing, and from mother to child. In rare causes the virus has been spread through artificial insemination and organ transplantation. The stages of HIV infection start with acute HIV infection, then progressing into asymptomatic HIV infection, next it advances into early symptomatic HIV infection, and the last stage is full-blown AIDS.

Allen and Kanabus (000) believe HIV was spread from monkeys to humans between 16 -146. HIV is part of a family or group of viruses called lentiviruses. Lentiviruses other than HIV have been found in a wide range of nonhuman primates. These other lentiviruses are known collectively as simian (monkey) viruses (SIV). Frozen tissue from a sub-group of chimpanzees known as Pan troglodytes was studied by University of Alabama in 1. They found that the simian virus the specimen carried (SIV) was almost identical to HIV-1. Pan troglodytes chimpanzees were once common in west central Africa. Researchers from the University of Alabama suggest that the HIV could have been transmitted into humans as a result of humans eating chimpanzee meat. The Wistar Institute in Philadelphia suggests HIV spread to humans through

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The World Distribution of HIV/AIDS 5

polio vaccinations given in the Belgian Congo in the 150s. This theory is supported by the fact that the vaccines were prepared using monkey kidneys.

There are a number of factors that may have contributed to the sudden spread of the HIV virus; including international travel, the blood industry, and widespread drug use. Blood transfusions became a routine part of medical practice, which led to a higher demand for donors. Donors were beginning to be paid; those donors may have included HIV positive individuals. This blood was then sent worldwide. In the late 160s hemophiliacs began to benefit from the blood clotting properties of a product called Factor VIII. To produce Factor VIII blood from thousands of individual donors had to be pooled together. Factor VIII was then distributed worldwide making it likely that hemophiliacs were exposed to the HIV virus.

The independent variable I chose to research in this problem was CO emission levels calculated in (000s MT of carbon). In CO emissions the substance being emitted is carbon dioxide. Carbon Dioxide (CO) is a colorless gas that makes up about one percent of the volume of dry air. It is a product of the combustion of carbonaceous fuels (e.g., coal, coke, fuel oil, gasoline, and cooking gas) and is product of animal’s respiration. CO is employed by plants in the photosynthesis of carbohydrates. Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere keeps some of the radiant energy received by the Earth from being returned to space, thus producing the so-called green house effect. The EcoWorld (000) website told that the average person omits CO at a rate of approximately 1-kg per day. A

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person’s Carbon Dioxide omission depends strongly on the persons activity level and their diet. The average car discharges about 8. kilograms of CO from burning 1 gallon of gasoline. Trains omit about 1.5 metric tons of CO per 10,000 kilometer traveled. There’s no set way to calculate the Carbon Dioxide discharge from airplanes, because a 500-kilometer trip only omits about twice as much Carbon Dioxide per kilometer as a trip four times the distance.

According to the information provided on the EcoWorld (000) and the InfoNation (001) websites Canada had the highest CO emissions of all 4 countries we had to research. Canada’s CO emission count was 117 (000s MT of carbon). The country’s adult AIDS rate percentage was 0.%. The interior plains and the northern portion of Canada have extremely cold winters and rather cool springs and falls. The warmest locations in the country are located on the US/Canadian border. The colder conditions in Canada contribute to the high CO emission level, because one of the main sources of heat in the country comes from the burning of fossil fuels. Another reason for the high emission level could be the Canadian transportation system. The transportation system is essential to Canada because of its great size, the patchiness of its population distribution, and the need to move primary and manufactured goods over long distances to coastal ports. Motor vehicles number more than one for every two inhabitants. Trucking as an industry has grown spectacularly since World War II. This transportation need means the burning of large amounts of gasoline. Industries also have a high impact on CO emission due to the iron and steel

The World Distribution of HIV/AIDS 7

industry growing in size. These industries produce steel products for the manufacture of such durable goods as automobiles, mining equipment, and household appliances for export around the world. The AIDS percentage rate of 0.% is just about average of the countries we had. This could be due to the patchiness of its population distribution, as well as its advanced medical treatment in the heavily populated cities.

Poland had a similar CO emission level as Canada, but with lower adult AIDS rate percentage. Poland’s CO emission count was 775 (000s MT of carbon) and an adult AIDS rate percentage of 0.07%. A big contributor to Poland’s high emission level is its electrical power output is derived from thermal plants using bituminous coal and lignite. Natural gas has become a popular source of heat over the years, also adding to the CO count. Another factor in CO levels were the industries in Poland during communism rule. The low AIDS rate may be due to the above average health care provided for all people of Poland during communist rule.

The two countries with the highest adult AIDS rate had some of the lowest counts of CO emission and both are located in the southern portion of Africa. Swaziland had an adult AIDS rate percentage of 5.5% and a CO level of (000s MT of carbon). Lesotho had an adult AIDS rate percentage of .57% and a CO level of 0 (000s MT of carbon). The emission number can be explained by the low amount of light industries, agriculture makes up the majority of its economy. The high adult AIDS rate percentage can be contributed to the fact

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that AIDS is believed to have originated in Africa. Lesotho, just like Swaziland,

has a small amount of industries to contribute to CO emission levels. Lesotho is also located in the part of the world that is believed to be the origin of AIDS.

The country that broke the pattern of low AIDS rate, high CO emissions level and high AIDS rate, low CO emissions level was South Africa. South Africa’s adult AIDS rate percentage is 1.4% and its CO emissions count is 7,88 (000s MT of carbon). The reason behind the high CO level could be its increasing amount of industries of the years. These industries employ workers from the neighboring countries of Swaziland and Lesotho. The people coming in to work from Swaziland and Lesotho could be bringing in the HIV virus, resulting in the high adult AIDS rate percentage. Another factor for the high adult AIDS rate percentage could be the same as that of Swaziland and Lesotho, which is that South Africa is located in the area that is believed to be the origin of the HIV virus.

The correlation between the two variables (adult AIDS rate and CO emissions) was -0.0684; this shows that CO emissions have little or no effect on adult AIDS rate percentage. One of the few effects I could see CO emissions levels having on adult AIDS rate percentages are that the majority of the countries with higher CO emissions also showed up having better health care. One of factors that surprised me about the results was that the highest CO emitters are not the most heavily populated countries we were assigned with. Who can truly say what the relationship between these two variables is though?

The World Distribution of HIV/AIDS

It may be found later that the HIV virus was originally formed by a chemical

reaction caused by a human cooking monkey meat over a natural gas fire during the middle of the fourteenth century AD. The high correlations some are getting between their independent variables and adult AIDS rate percentage may just be a coincidence.


Allen, S. & Kanabus, A. (000) The Origins of AIDS & HIV [᠇nline] Available http//

Copeman, S. M. (18). Vaccination, its natural history and pathology. London Macmillan.

EcoWorld (000) AIR Search for CO emissions by country. Available http//

Essex, M. E. (17) AIDS Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention (4th Edition). Philadelphia Lippincott-Raven.

United Nations Publications (001) InfoNation Available http// email

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