Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Alfred Stieglitz

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Alfred Stieglitz is considered to be the “Father of modern Photography”. He

was born in Hoboken, New Jersey in 1864 during the Civil War. Stieglitz is

considered to be the father of modern photography because he took the art form

a step further than anyone had before. Before Stieglitz dared to express

photography as an art form, the medium was considered by most to be

“complicated, and cumbersome” and used mostly by professionals as an

objective tool and utilized for its descriptive and recording capabilities. Stieglitz

set out to redefine the art of modern photography. He wanted to display

photograph’s that would shock people and challenge the limits that had

previously been put on photography. Stieglitz wanted people to step outside

their preconceived notion of what art was supposed to look like. He wanted

people to embrace photography as they would a piece of artwork. Modern times

brought many changes and Stieglitz embraced them all. In a series of

photographs, Stieglitz depicted the growth of New York City. He was a master of

the elements, bad lighting and weather changes gave Stieglitz more inspiration

and challenged his skills as a photographer. He supported many up and coming

artists like Picasso, and C�zanne, who to were pushing the boundaries of art.

Stieglitz never had hobbies, only passions. He claimed, “The camera was

waiting for me by predestination”, and “I took to it like a musician to a piano or a

painter to the canvas”. By 17 photography and the public’s perception of it had

changed dramatically, due in large part to Stieglitz’s publications Camera Notes,

Camera Work, and 1. Through these publications he introduced photography

from Europe and America, he also included art work, and gave authors, such as

Gertrude Stein a chance to have their work published for the world to read.

I would definitely have to say that Steiglitz deserves the title “Father of modern

Photography”, through his persistence in opening the eyes of America to the

modern 0th century, and helping artists break away from the rigid lines of

precise art and move into the more modern self-expression in art. In the end

Stieglitz was successful in achieving his goal of demonstrating the expressive

power of the medium of photography.

Mind that the sample papers like Alfred Stieglitz presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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