Thursday, 15 March 2012


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The Case for Moral Insight

There are no shortcuts to moral insight. Nature is not intrinsically anything that can offer comfort or solace in human terms -- if only because our species is such an insignificant latecomer in a world not constructed for us. So much the better the answers to moral dilemmas are not lying out there, waiting to be discovered they reside, like the kingdom of God, within us -- the most difficult and inaccessible spot for discovery or consensus.

The above text touches on several points, each of which merit considerable discussion. However, it is difficult to precisely comment on what the author is saying, because this paragraph appears to be a concluding remark after already presenting his ideas regarding morality, mans place in the world, and the challenge that each of us face regarding truth and how we deal with it individually.

What is moral insight? How do we define this term? One of the first problems with defining this term has to do with the question of authority. By what standard do we establish our moral high ground? Obviously, we cannot rely on the ever-changing opinions of men, or even those of a select group. It is possible to allow a group to represent, interpret, and defend a standard of moral law as we do in United States with the Supreme Court? However, I dont want to get bogged down with some kind of legal definition -- and much less do I want to bring the Supreme Court into this discussion, because as of late I feel they are neither supreme, nor do they represent the highest standards of moral insight.

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As a layman, I would like to generically define the term, moral insight as a keen understanding of the real differences between right and wrong. I would also add that such an understanding is based on principles primarily found in the last six of the 10 Commandments, which have to do with mans relationship with his fellow man. Some people object to the use of a religious text, however I would counter by asking Is there anything better, claiming Divine authority -- or did God write something different to someone else?

The word insight implies knowledge gained through experience. A child, for example, has little interest in moral questions. His little world is simple and does not require experience. A teenager has more concepts about moral issues, but in his world, the important thing is to see what he can get away with. There is still little grasp of the long-term consequences of some of his actions. Hence, we often see young teenagers engaging in risk-taking activity where the focus is on image, popularity and other issues that have little to do with moral questions. The young adult soon transforms into an idealist who identifies with Hollywood images like Rambo and Che Guevara. Often the young mind is impatient and considers vengeance as a legitimate motive for the carrying out of wild justice. Apparently many of Hollywoods creative minds have not risen much above this type of mentality, leading millions of young people starving for moral insight. We rarely find a film celebrating courtroom justice such as To Kill a Mockingbird. Todays audiences want cheap thrills and excitement -- because theyre addicted to it, not because thats the only item on the menu that interests them.

It is therefore true that older people are generally wiser. Wisdom and understanding go together. Wisdom really is a profound comprehension of right and wrong and how to apply that knowledge in human life. Technologies change, the styles of cars change, but the essential elements and principles of life that make people happy, content, and moral -- those things dont change. That is why when Grandmother voices her thoughts about a controversial, moral issue, we listen -- or at least we should listen -- with respect.

Theres a well-known story that illustrates how law-abiding people can sometimes be very wrong. It is a true story that took place years ago in another country and in a very different moral climate than ours. Really, it seems so long ago and so different that it couldnt possibly be true, but heres how the story goes

There was a country where there lived a very religious people whose lives revolved around a religious and moral code. On a particular occasion, a woman was brought before the court who was accused of adultery. In fact, it was really a closed case, because she had been found caught in the very act of adultery. (Now one may find it hard to believe that there was a country where adultery was considered a crime. But please dont be prejudiced against this story just because in our society anything between consenting adults married or not is OK!) But coming back to this particular case, and the times in which it took place... this was a very serious situation and the woman feared for her life, knowing that her crime was worthy of the death penalty. It was especially serious because in addition to being brought before the religious/legal leaders, she was brought before them with a large mob who had already convicted her in their minds, and who were willing to assist in her execution.

Fortunately for the woman, she was brought before a relatively new lawyer who had gained considerable fame -- and controversy -- for his words and wisdom. Insiders of the legal circle were hoping that this case would prove to be too tough, and they watched anxiously, hoping that he would make a mistake. However, it soon would become apparent that her attorney was aware of their motives and their politically correct agenda.

He could have taken the occasion to scold and humiliate the legal profession, but instead of using powerful words of wisdom as he had on other occasions, he held his tongue and waited. Now this woman was brought before this particular man to see what he would do. Would he do the right thing? What would he say? They waited. Instead of speaking, he quietly bent down and began writing something on the ground with his finger. To this day, people still wonder why he was so quiet... and what he wrote.

It was agonizing for the woman to stand there with all these people looking at her, condemning her. But the silence was causing the discomfort to spread throughout the mob and even among the smug lawyers. Probably some of those very lawyers began to realize a fatal flaw in the proceedings of this case. Her attorney may have been aware of it, but he didnt need to say anything. He let them squirm a little more.

According to their law in such cases, an adulteress had to appear together with her partner. This would certainly make it difficult for either party to deny their guilt while standing at their lovers side. Ironically, the most condemning witnesses would be each other. Where was her partner? The prosecuting team had assembled a group that hardly seemed to be an impartial jury, and worst of all, they forgot the key witness -- her cohort in crime.

The womans attorney was not about to be swayed by the contemporary opinion of the court, but stood on the firmness of law. However, he also was not going to get her off on a technicality. He wanted a unanimous decision. Without accusing anyone, he wisely exposed the courts willingness to commit the crime of condemning and executing a person without submitting the evidence. Standing up, her attorney spoke one sentence. And with this one line, he took the case out of the hands of the group and placed it in the hands of each individual. Her advocate spoke to everyone there He among you who can say that he has done nothing wrong against God and man, shall have the privilege of throwing the first stone to begin the execution. And with that, he said no more, but stooped down again and began to write on the ground.

Instead of allowing consensus to be the courts presiding judge and permitting the mob to collectively carry out the execution, the righteous lawyer turned the court upside down. Until this point, each individual could hide behind the cloak of the groups action, leaving no single person to blame. When the prosecuting attorneys and the mob heard this single comment from her lawyer, they were dumbfounded and they began to leave, one by one, beginning with the older ones. One by one she was acquitted until she was left standing alone with no one to condemn her.

The fact that recognition of the truth began with the older ones brings us back to the original point regarding moral insight. Insight is gained over time and through experience. Once in awhile we hear of a person who is wise beyond her years, but what this usually means, is that this person has suffered more than anyone would want to experience in a lifetime.

We love shortcuts. We always want to find out if there is a better way, an easier way. But when it comes to the essential matters of our human existence, there is no new, streamlined formula to make us better people. How seldom do we even ask, Am I the kind of person that Im supposed to be? If we ask, Am I good enough?’ we must ask, good enough for what?’ and good enough for who? Actually, this may cause us to ask a lot of tough questions, and if we want to know the

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